Make a Difference – Become a BRAIN Youth Ambassador

Your chance to shine and make a difference to countless lives

What is the BRAIN Youth Ambassador Initiative

The Youth Ambassador initiative is part of the Brain Foundation’s Autism Awareness Program

The Goals

Primary goal is to educate, enlighten and empower the youth about the myths/ truths / medical issues in autism by spreading awareness, breaking stereotypes and promoting an inclusive community

How It Works

Adult volunteers will guide the youth to contribute towards social projects with the goal to spread awareness about the BRAIN Foundation and to help with fundraising

Benefits to Becoming a BRAIN Ambassador

The power to change lives and attitudes – you will be making a tangible change by helping build an inclusive community
New friends and stronger friendships – Connection with like minded individuals
Develop soft skills in a safe and accepting environment
Colleges look for a well rounded candidate and volunteering is an important aspect that strengthens your resume
Opportunities will be available for students who are interested in the pre-med, biology fields to take classes led by researchers

Become Eligible for Presidential Volunteer Service Award

The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation was founded in 2003 to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity

PVSA honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities inspires those around them to take action

Hours that Youth Volunteers put in towards projects qualify for hours towards PVSA

PVSA awards help boost your college application resume

Autism Myths and Facts

The Myths

Autistic people have no sense of humor, empathy, or feelings

Autistic people do not want to communicate or are anti-social

All autistic people have the same skills and difficulties, or have an outstanding savant skill

Individuals on the autism spectrum who are non-verbal are intellectually disabled

Students with autism cannot understand receptive language

The Facts

Autism is a brain-based pervasive developmental disability

The CDC estimates autism’s prevalence to be 1 in 36 (2.8%)

Autism occurs among all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups and is almost 4 times more commonly among boys than among girls

Autistic youth and adults are not defined by their diagnosis; however being autistic is part of their neurology and is not separate from their person

Autism is a spectrum difference and affects each person differently. Symptoms and needs can range from mild to severe in various areas and may change over time

Individuals on the autism spectrum need acceptance, respect and acknowledgement of their gifts and strengths

Many individuals on the spectrum understand receptive language and might use assistive technology to communicate

Medical comorbidities in autism is common and many of the behavioral manifestations improve when coexisting medical issues are treated

Many individuals who were thought to be intellectually disabled have overcome their communication barriers and are getting HS diplomas, are in colleges and contribute to the society – Non-speaking does not mean non-thinking!

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