Industry Spotlight: Cell-El Therapeutics

About Cell-El Therapeutics

Cell-El Therapeutics Ltd.’s is a company founded in 2014 with a mission to create personalized medical systems for diagnosis and treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Their research aims to identify underlying mechanisms that might cause ASD, in particular the relationship between ASD and the immune system.

Cell-El has so far identified a panel of blood borne biomarkers that discriminate between children with ASD and typically developing (TD), and plans to develop assays of the selected biomarkers to be used as ASD diagnostic tool.

The identified biomarkers will be used to identify children who may benefit from stem cell and/or other treatments.

Cell-El Therapeutic Clinical Trials for Autism

Diagnostics and clinical responses have revealed remarkable improvements with Stem Cell Therapy (SCT). Cell-El aims to monitor the psychological, clinical and laboratory responses of children with ASD who underwent SCT with the goal of developing a viable treatment for ASD.

Cell-El is planning a clinical trial in which children with autism will undergo SCT, accompanied by psychological and laboratory evaluations to assess the impact of the treatment on autistic behavior, the immune system and the potential correlation between them.

Visit Cell-El website to learn more or contact them if you are interested in finding out more about this study.