Harris Huberman, MD
Harris Huberman, MD, is a developmental pediatrician and the director of the SUNY Downstate Division of Child Development. He was the Medical Director of the NYC Infant Child Health Assessment Program – NYC’s Early Intervention Child Find program and has been the PI of several NIH and MCHB-funded studies of interventions to improve early child development. Currently he is the PI on two clinical trials to treat young children with ASD with leucovorin in collaboration with Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and is the PD of the newly formed Brooklyn Leadership Education in Neurodisabilities (LEND) program funded by MCHB. Dr. Huberman’s areas of interest include: autism, public health and its intersection with child development, preventive parenting programs to improve developmental outcomes for children living in poverty, international health.
Dr. Huberman currently directs the Behavior and Development rotation for Downstate’s pediatric residents and with his team runs a Child Development clinic which is heavily focused on identifying and caring for children on the Autism Spectrum.
BRAIN Funded Projects
Early Biomarkers in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Birth Folate Autoantibody Receptor Status
Improving our understanding of central folate deficiency on infant development and to lay the groundwork for future treatment interventions of high-risk infants with leucovorin
Recent & Selected Publications
Frye RE, Rossignol DA, Scahill L, McDougle CJ, Huberman H, Quadros EV. Treatment of Folate Metabolism Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2020;35:100835. doi:10.1016/j.spen.2020.100835
BRAIN Synchrony Symposia presentations
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